Season 1, Week 3
(Legend of Dragoon)
Kongol's slow as hell, and doesn't like magic. Then again, what would you expect from a tank? Still, Kongol's good attack strength and physical durability scare Elly ( what with her already poor HP and defense ), and the instant death effect of Indora's Axe can come into play as well. Kongol has the HP to survive a few spells, so all he needs to do is close into melee range, and beat the snot out of the weaker Elly.



Elly, though not the fastest nor the most durable of the Xenogears cast, has a rather evil trick up her sleeve in the Lunar Rod. Every strike from this weapon has a chance to add the Sleep status to its target... and since Elly is capable of up to seven weak attacks a turn, there is an extremely high probability that Kongol will be put to sleep after Elly's first attack! Once the Giganto is comatose, Elly has the match in the bag, as she can just blast away with her most powerful magic without fear of waking her target up. Sure, her spells may fail sometimes, but that's not an issue when your opponent can't fight back. And surely, Kongol's craptacular magical defenses won't help matters at all, nor will his horrid speed. There is literally nothing Kongol can do to put a serious dent in Elly's HP before Elly puts Kongol to sleep, even if she does get unlucky, and there is even less he can do once the Lunar Rod kicks in.
Sure Elly's magic has accuracy problems. But, it's amazing how little that matters when you have a nice sleeping target to practise on.

Kongol: 2
Elly van Houten: 17