Season 51, Week 1
(Shining Force)
A proper princess isn't supposed to like gears or fighting. Then again, Anri never was the proper type, trapezing around with a bunch of toughs like Max's Shining Force. Her magic damage is among the best in Light, eclipsing quite a few Middle mages too, but her frailty and speed hold her back. Nevertheless, despite a Princess' natural weakness to whips (well, according to ancient tales of yore and stuff), Anri's magic will be more than enough to take care of a failed teacher with a fetish for white clothing and a dominatrix twist. Even if it's not, the men in the audience are still in for one hell of a match.



She may not have cut the mustard as a teacher, but Quistis sure can bring the pain when it comes to dueling. Her stunning icy looks are well complemented by her choice of weaponry, and many who’ve dared to cross her have felt the sting of her whip. Anri may be a powerful foe, but she’s certainly not a durable one. Even Quistis’ attacks should wreak havoc on her frail foe, and should Ms. Trepe be lucky enough to get a limit, she’ll be able to kill Anri instantly with powerful magic or perfectly accurate instant death. Quistis means to prove that the superior skills of a SeeD deserve a championship.

With pride, Quistis raised her hand in victory. Selphie, Zell and the others cheered loudly at the exploit, and even Squall offered a more empatic "whatever" than usual.

Sure, Quistis hadn't actually won the match, but she had been hired by Anri to teach at her castle with a decent paycheck. For the poor Final Fantasy VIII cast, not actually suffering painful, humiliating and icy death was already a large victory in itself.

Anri: 26
Quistis Trepe: 21