Season 52, Week 2
Mia Ausa
(Lunar: Silver Star Story)
The strong-willed successor of Vane returns to the arena! Mia Ausa's lady-like grace and steel determination and strength are legendary. They have to be to stand up to a Godlike like Ghaleon. While she herself isn't the type to look down on a person like Bartre, do you really think that a Monty Python wannabe can triumph over serious magic? Unlike a certain descendant of hers, she ISN'T as slow as molassas in winter. This will let her carry the day over the dedicated axeman. Axes to the face aren't as impressive when countless swords are falling from the sky.



Magic can't stop the mighty Bartre! His muscles are built like a mountain, his axe is sharp and ready as ever. This titan of combat doesn't worry about speed, or cantrips - or anything else, really! He smashes faces, kicks ass, and does what any true master of combat does. Vane's brightest pupil is the shining example of what this Warrior handles best - a tiny, demure waif with no physical strength or hope of protecting herself from Bartre's crushingly powerful Silver Axe swings. Only the mighty shall be victorious, and none are mightier than the great Bartre!

"So. You're saying I won't be able to hurt her?" Bartre repeated. Lyn sighed. "Correct, lummox. Now will you please resign already?"

"...I still want to try this." With that, Bartre walked out, leaving a frustrated Lyn shaking her head.


Bartre advanced into the arena, hands behind his back. Mia, clutching her cane, nodded. "Welcome. Are you read- ohmigod, they're BEAUTIFUL!"

As the flowers Bartre came in with were accepted, he smiled bashfully. "Thanks. Thought you'd like them..."

"I do! Thank you so much, Bartre!" Mia gushed, as Bartre shuffled back. "I, uh, know you're seeing that Nash kid. I wish you two the best of luck."

"Uh. Actually, we're... kinda not talking right now. ...Y-y-you doing anything after the match?" Mia stuttered. Bartre beamed. "Not a thing! Shall we? Oh, and you can have the match."

The two left, giggling, as Lyn stood there, slackjawed. "How the... there's no way... how did he... what the..."

Mia Ausa: 48
Bartre: 10