Season 53, Week 3
(Lunar: Silver Star Story)
So some square-jawed jarhead thinks he can take on the best fighter in the region? Not a chance! Tempest's solid stats will be his main ticket to victory this week. Aguro being slow as molasses doesn't hurt here either. He may take a while to go down, sure, but it's not like Tempest is going to run out of arrows anytime soon, right? And as Aguro goes from soldier to pincushion, Tempest will be easily able to handle anything the soldier throws his way. With nothing else to hamper victory, Tempest should have little trouble whittling down Aguro while staying out of harm's road, and once the soldier folds, the wild archer'll be ready for week 4!



Irregulars like Tempest are nothing to fear for a career military man like Aguro. The commander made his living on the field of battle long before Daos and company were unsealed by Erim's rebirth. He swings a strong axe and specializes in physical fights like few others. He has every advantage you would expect for a seasoned officer over a grunt like this - durability, damage, training, experience, finesse. His heavy equips and muscular frame makes him a little slow, sure, but that doesn't matter with his notably superior combat background, especially against a pipsqueak. No scrawny militiaman will get the best of Aguro of Lorbenian!

Tempest took a long drag on his cigarette as the door clanged open. It was Aguro the Snitch, sporting a black eye the size of Topeka. "The look on your face tells me you've got a problem with the Dee Ellia gang. Or real bad woman troubles. Or both."

"Something like that." Aguro absent-mindedly fiddled with an orange in his hands, before shoving them back in his ill-fitting trenchcoat. "I've got a case for you. A real stumper."

"I'm all ears. Let's hear it."

Aguro started to pace around the room, nervously. "It's... it's a dead body. It's murder. But... the police don't know. They can't know, because.... because they'll think I did it. You're the only one that can help me."

Tempest feigned nonchalance, but took note. This would be more interesting than the usual philandering husbands and moonshiners gone wrong. "Oh? Why would that be?"

Aguro looked about nervously, then leaned forward as if to whisper. "Because... because I did it!" Aguro pulled the trigger on the axe he had in his coat pocket, blowing a hole into Tempest's head. Ever the traditionalist, he then took a swing at Tempest's neck. Some quick rifling through Tempest's desk drawers then occurred, looking to steal some cash and make it look like a robbery. Aguro briefly paused to wonder why he & Tempest were seemingly stuck in a bad 1920s comic book before dismissing the thought. The Dee Ellia gang would surely pay him well for this... wouldn't they?

Tempest: 7
Aguro: 34

This match was canceled, on lack of interest.

Any people that care may proceed to the arena it was to be held in, where hot fudge sundaes will be passed out as random generic female PCs mud wrestle for your entertainment.


"...Ahhhh, man, this is the life." Aguro noted, as he munched his triple fudge on chocolate ice cream dessert.

"...this is pathetic." Tempest muttered, annoyed, as he stormed out of the arena.

"And the winner, by ringout, is Aguro." Yuri Hyuga noted solemnly.

"...huh?" "Well, we had to determine who won somehow. The first of you to walk out seemed best." Yuri shrugged, as he munched his ice cream cone happily. "Of course, you don't have to leave yet either." He finished, smiling.

"Don't think I will just yet." Aguro answered back happily.