Season 55, Week 4
Opera Vectra
(Star Ocean: The Second Story)
Opera's fanfic-writing ways seem to have caught up to her this season: instead of getting eye candy in the form of gorgeous man fighters to ogle, the Tetragenes gets saddled with trainwreck after trainwreck. A noseless knight woman? The third-fattest teenage merchant in the world? And now, the fifth-oldest acupuncturist in China? Well, Ms. Vectra can't complain about not getting shooting practice, at least. And Zhuzhen will be about as easy to handle as those other losers: his elemental magic rams into Opera's special equipment - Flames of Fudo get ingloriously weakened, and the other spells are just worthless. Even his paralysis gets immuned, which leaves him with very little to stop Opera with before his sanity drains away. As long as Opera keeps the Healing Stars coming, she'll have yet another easy target once the fire comes down. Too bad she's bound to get another trainwreck for the finals, but hey.



After dealing with an oddly witted social scientist and a cross-dimensional teenage girl, Zhuzhen's opponent makes the jump into straightup sci-fi this week in the form of the three-eyed tetragene Opera Vectra. She certainly talks tough and carries a big gun, but it doesn't really worry the venerable sorcerer. His cane is all the range Zhuzhen needs. Oh yeah, and his MAGIC - quite an inconvenient fact for the poor little alien, as it's sufficiently advanced to keep up with technology. Strong enough to topple even the toughest of Light competitor (even Jogurt), it's carried him to a good deal of success in the division and won't fail him in this match. He won't have any trouble disposing of the alien before she can put enough holes in him to keep him down. So barring old age or a broken hip, it doesn't look like anything will be stopping Zhuzhen from a deserved trip to the Light finals this season - which is fine by this exorcist!

"So." Yuri said, sitting down next to Zhuzhen at the bar. "Lost the fight."


"She's a tough opponent for a lot of people, so it doesn't surprise me. But I thought you had a foolproof plan, what with Bunnythulhu."

"She called in support from her spaceship. Apparently it works like Midgar Cid's attack; if it doesn't stick around and she doesn't board it, it's not interference."

"But Bunnythulhu's near invincible, isn't it?" Yuri raised an eyebrow.

"Not when they beam it up to their spaceship." Zhuzhen muttered.

"Ah." Yuri shrugged, lifting a mug. "To next time. Cheers?"

"I'm being stuck with the bill of damages to her ship."

"...... man, harsh."

"Slavery for fifteen years to pay that off?" Zhuzhen noted. "Cheers, indeed."

Opera Vectra: 38
Zhuzhen Liu: 11