Season 56, Week 3
(Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen)
Blessed be those who walk the path of the Roshian Order. Aisha seeks to exterminate something nearly as vile as the Zeteginian Empire - the foul "cha"-spewing Orcha! What's more evil than a COOK!? Even Zophar trembles at such a creature of relentless darkness. Aisha boasts solid physical evasion and far better speed than Orcha, which she'll need to avoid being cut up and served in an unspeakable meal. The divine powers of Aisha's Anhk Attack will be pushed to the limit here, along with her endurance. Orcha's limited shots of healing and damage work in her favor, as the chef has precious few opportunities to do anything but use a basic attack, and no physical techs at all to punish Aisha with! Prepare to be purged by the power of divine justice, Orcha, as there is no way Aisha will leave the darkness of an 'Chaer alive on her watch!



Tasty-cha-cha-cha, healthy-cha-cha-cha, Orcha's got a new recipe he's just itchin' to whip up, a creamy cleric casserole! What could be more healthy then an infinite supply of healing magic? And of course anything Orcha cooks up is gonna taste good, no matter what it's made of! Of course the first step is to go and catch the main ingredient, but this week he's lucky enough to have one delivered right to his doorstep in the arena, so all he's got to do is chop her up and throw her in the pot! This'll even be the easiest thing in the world, considering that if she's in the back row healing, she can't attack! And if she's fighting back, she can't heal! Orcha can though, with the delicious Spice of Life and the best left unknown Mystery Menu! A thump here, a chop there, and a little salt for flavor, and Orcha will be serving up a meal fit for the gods tonight!

The life of a woman of the cloth is a hard one. Living a life of virtue and piety, always putting your faith and the good of all before your own needs and desires. Always keeping a kind demeanor for those who need your council no matter how bad a day you've been having. Always keeping on guard against perverts who have far more sexy nun fantasies then are healthy.

It's really no surprise that such holy women tend to stick to eachother's company when they have some time to relax. Who else would understand what they go through day in and day out?

As such, nobody needed to ask where Aisha picked up her latest combat technique.

At least she felt a little bad about using it though. Orcha hadn't really done anything to really deserve it and that Coup de Grace will leave him "cha"-ing in soprano for a week.

Aisha: 23
Orcha: 10