Season 57, Week 5
Luke fon Fabre
(Tales of the Abyss)
Well, well! This is more like it! A championship is no less than someone like Luke deserves! After all, he was trained by THE Master Van! Yeah, his opponent might be a chick, but she's still more manly than his last opponent. Plus, she got to the championship, so he can't coast through this. She has some magic and status, but have you seen her HP? It's a joke! Luke is really worried about knocking her out by a regular slap, much less a full sword combo. But she's in the arena, ready and willing, so Luke isn't about to hold back, not with that shiny trophy and prize money so close... maybe it'll even be more than his allowance!



A red headed main? Be still, Tia’s beating heart. Oh well, the arena is no place for home wrecking, so Tia will have to settle for a championship as a consolation prize. While Luke has some damage, Tia only has to take one hit for a variety of IP options to open up: Ironclad to greatly reduce further damage, Battle Lust to boost Tia’s physical, or Aqua Attack to put the sting on Luke. And with plenty of practically full healing and superior speed, as long as she isn’t killed instantly, Tia can probably outlast Luke’s damage for days. She even has status to help ease the pressure! Lufia did it, Selan did it. Now it’s Tia’s time to bask in the sun.

And so, Light comes to a close.

One poor, maligned girl, getting as far as the finals.

One man, kind enough to realize what he'd done.

Surely, something could come of this.


"You set me up on a date with Sten!?" Tia shrieked, as she backhanded Luke in the face. "What the hell is wrong with you? It's not bad enough that you beat me, or that you already have a girlfriend so I don't even have a chance, no, you have to insult me too!?" Tia sputtered, before running off, bawling, into the night.

"...what'd I do wrong?" Luke sighed.

"Oh, dear. I suppose Sten was a bad person to suggest you set her up with." Jade shrugged, an amiable smile on his face. "Should have said Zidane."


Tia cried.

She'd never gotten anywhere.

Her buisiness was in a podunk and no one would buy anything here at the League anyways(Something about her weapons being first town or something. What does that even mean!?).

Her love life was abysmal.

And now she'd failed at fighting. Again.

Was there...any real reason to continue on?

She sighed, and sniffled up at the sky.

"Hey, hey, what the hell's a pretty girl doing out here crying?" A voice called out from behind her, startling her badly.

"Man. You try to find a quiet place to look at the stars and get drunk and there's sobbing cute girls hanging out." Jecht finished, stretching out a mysterious bottle at Tia. "Well, could be worse than getting drunk with a girl. Or are you not really into that? Cutter type? Well, go on, say something."

Tia rubbed her eyes.

Well. This did count as an attractive guy paying attention to her, right?

Things could be worse.

"Sure. I would love to get incredibly wasted with you right now." Tia smiled at Jecht, snatching the bottle out of his hand.

"That's the spirit." Jecht laughed.

Luke fon Fabre: 20
Tia: 16