Season 59, Week 2
(Chrono Cross)
Olan is known for his ability to control space and time. What he's not known for is the ability to take a hit whatsoever. Luckily for Orhla, that means she's more than able to break the puny little scholar before he can so much as mumble a spell. And since Olan has literally nothing else to his name, that's all she needs. Olan's laughable stats also means that even if he does manage to get a Galaxy Stop off, the outcome is by no means certain. This fight will be quick, brutal, and entirely in Orhla's favor as you might expect from a Light match of this caliber.



The power of the stars helps to guide Olan to victory. Thundergod Cid's stepson lets astrology guide his actions; and the forecast from above is looking good for this match. Galaxy Stop will freeze Orlha in place, leaving her defenseless to Olan's dictionary-based beat downs. Olan's superior speed means he'll be able to get off a Galaxy Stop before Orlha gets a chance to move- sealing her fate. No mere martial artist can battle against the divine power of the stars; and no mere mortal can stop Olan Durai from living up to his heritage and claiming victory.

Orlha: 24
Olan Durai: 13