Season 64, Week 0
(Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen)
Dark Prince, accursed monster who helped slaughter his countrymen just for opposing violence, and general all around evil baddie. Prince Gares may be a stereotypical minion of darkness, but he isn't any less dangerous in combat for that! His axe has taken countless lives, and he's had plenty of training- both as a prince, and as a foe of Destin's Liberation Army. Gares won't take the horrible insult that is his double downgrade lightly either. He'll kill every man, woman, and child in his way to earn the respect he so richly deserves!



HP: 1, MP: 1, Atk: 1, Def: 1, Agi: 1. Heart? Infinite. The little gerbil that could, that describes Jogurt to a tee. Nevermind the many humiliating losses haunting his record, nor the indescribable terror the little rodent must feel whenever he is up to fight again. Despite always knowing that he will never win, he still keeps coming back for more. Why? Hope. The dreams that the heroes of the DL have dared to dream. Perhaps not as grand a dream as some, but a win will be an uphill battle of Sisyphusian proportions. And it will make achieving it all the sweeter.

DragonKnight Zero

"Glory to the Norgard Defense Force. We shall crush all foolish enough to stand against us..." WHUMP!

Replacement narrator: We're experiencing technical difficulties. The narrator fell asleep during Vaynard's endless self-praise. Don't worry. Our technicians are here to resolves the issue.

(camera pans to a mob of hundreds, many of which are wielding implements of violence)

Okay team, lets clear up this technical difficulty.

Gares: 21
Jogurt: 3