Season 1, Week 5
Vincent DeBoule
(Suikoden II)
Vincent's being seen with some strange company in the days of the Toran and Dunan wars, but never any so strange as Cait Sith! However, for this match, it's not his opponent's appearance that should worry Vincent, but his good magic defence. Reliant on his Rune as always, Vincent should try to put as good a dent in Cait Sith's HP with The Shredding as he can manage, or hope for a lucky sleep spell. If he can't get some quick results, then he, like others before him, will face the wrath of Cait Sith's Transform materia, and that is one thing he DOESN'T want in this match!



Though undoubtedly one of the strangest competitors in Light, the megaphone-wielding, remote-controlled, robotic talking cat riding a stuffed Mog is now out to prove he's one of the strongest, too. Cait Sith's above average magic defence and excellent HP give him an edge against Vincent, and should let him last long enough to turn yet another competitor into a frog. Really, Cait Sith's only conern here is that Vincent will likely be fighting as a desperate man; after all, no self-respecting Scarlet Moon narcissist would DARE let anyone change him into something as vulgar as a frog!

Dark Holy Elf
Another match for Cait Sith, another frog. I propose that the Light trophy for the RPGDL bear the insignia of a frog, in honour of its first recipient's tactics.

Vincent DeBoule: 4
Cait Sith: 8