Bowser's luck just keeps on going this season. He's faced off against two people who couldn't really physically hurt him, and a guy he'd already beaten. And now he faces Rikku, who decidedly resides in the first category. While Rikku can heal and is no slouch in the speed department, she doesn't have anything in her non-Overdrive arsenal that can match his power. Add this to the ease in which she gets Terrorized, and Bowser looks like a lock for his first Championship. That is, unless he gets too overconfident..
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Rikku's race through Light hits a major roadblock this week in the form of the Koopa King. Terrorize does terrible things to her already lacking physical damage, while slowing her access to a match-ending Overdrive. Still, with a sack full of Al Bhed potions on her side, Rikku has a fighting chance to run Bowser out of FP, at which point she has him at her fleet-footed mercy. Can spunk and celerity overcome the terrifying turtle tyrant?
Lord Windscar
Lets look at it this way:
Bowser hits hard. (Advantage Bowser)
Rikku heals more than Bowser hits. (Neutral)
Rikku can gain access to anyone's skill tree. (Advantage Rikku)
Rikku can cure Bowser's poison with an Al Bhed potion, and heal her. (Big advantage Rikku)
Rikku can use her overdrive to make her deal 9999 every time, regardless of Terror. (Huge advantage Rikku)
Sorry Bowser, you cant kill her before she reaches overdrive, and when she does, you'll be lying on the ground soon after.
Bowser Koopa: 16
Rikku: 28
For this fight I allow Bowser his Paper Mario boss form due to the fact that Rikku is too annoying to continue living.
Biased? Yes. Uncalled for? No.
Genocide Heart
Yes, Rikku is faster. Yes, Rikku can heal. No, I don't give her access to stolen items. Yes, I allow her anything storebought... only up to 50, though. Considering I normally DISALLOW consumable items, Rikku should be grateful I allow that at all. -_-
Rikku REALLY wants her FFX-2 form here, but as it hasn't been ranked yet, Terrorize does awful, awful things to her already crappy attack here, and Bowser nukes her, eventually.