Season 10, Week 1
Elly van Houten
Elly Van Houten comes into this match armed with everything that secured her victory over Kongol in Season 1's quarterfinals; the Lunar Rod's ability to induce Sleep, and attack Ethers which exploit both Kongol's pathetic Magic Defense and his Wind weakness. Combined with the rare treat of actually being faster than her opponent, Elly is going into this match brimming with confidence. After all, having low defense against an eight-foot-tall giant wielding an axe nearly his size just isn't as bad as being slower than a sleep-inducing redhead is.



Kongol is not the most vengeful of creatures, but he comes into this match bearing a grudge. Nine seasons ago, this very opponent shattered his dream to become the DL's inaugural Light Champion, and now he’s looking to even the score. Armed with his trusty axe and the spirit of the Golden Dragoon, Kongol will try to overcome the Antitype’s elemental deathblows and magic with his extreme defense and the sheer power of Bone Crush. Kongol's championship has been snatched from him once, and he won't let it happen again.

All of the size, power, and defense in the world doesn't matter when you're slow as a rock and just as stupid. And Kongol will soon have the mobility of a rock too, after being put to sleep and blow away by Elly's 1337 50l4r!5 m4g!k.

Elly van Houten: 31
Kongol: 7