Season 10, Week 4
Elly van Houten
Having already felled Kongol this season, Elhaym van Houten won't be phased by Milich's impressive defense score. Indeed, Kongol was in all ways a more impressive competitor than Oppenheimer, with better damage and a potentially deadly status. As such, Elly's strategy remains much the same; let the Lunar Rod lull Milich into a mid-battle snooze, blast him with a few attack ethers, wash, rinse, repeat. And while Milich's noteworthy magic defense makes this a somewhat longer battle, the outcome is just as inevitable.



The ultimate flamer has succeeded in making his way to the semi-finals, and he's not about to let a member of the weaker sex stand in his way at a championship! Both Elly's magical and physical strength are below par, which means Milich has nothing to fear from her weak attacks, while Elly's own defenses will be easily pierced by the mighty rainbow blade that Milich wields. Though Elly's sleep-inducing weaponry could pose a threat to the flamer of justice, Milich's resolve won't falter, for a female victory would mean disaster for flamers everywhere, and Big Gay Milich isn't about to let that happen.

Elly entered the ring with her typical tipsiness, having been out drinking Geblar Gyro sause like she does before every match. Milich, on the other hand, looked troubled, but still had a cocky swagger in his step.


Milich raised his blade upwards and shouted, "By the power of Gay Thkull!" The spirits of every member of the Flamer squad, including Milich, came forth and pummeled Elly, knocking her down to 1 HP and inflicting her with sleep, confusion, berserk, stop, slow, paralysis, blindness, and silence all at once.

Unfortunately for the Flower General, the spirits all disappeared to another dimension. His body now an empty cast, Milich was considered dead by default.

On a related note, He-Man and Skeletor recently found a common nemesis.

Elly van Houten: 34
Milich Oppenheimer: 11

Elhaym is part of Mother, and has extremely potent ether abilities, perhaps only matched by Id, technically, or the other half of Mother, Miang. Milich is just as the description says: Big and Gay.

Elly has to hit Milich to put him to sleep, which is nigh impossible since Elly SUCKS ASS.