Season 12, Week 2
(Chrono Trigger)
Making his appearance in the RPGDL, Slash enters his match with very little to fear from his opponent. While not exactly a tanky fighter, Slash would never fear Gong's terribly weak physical attacks, and his own should force Gong to start healing fairly quickly. Couple that with the fact that the blue demon will eventually start countering every time Gong does strike him and the latter's small advantage from healing goes right out the window. Slash should be able to easily win this match, and send Gong back home where he belongs.



One of the first Master Monks to grace the world of RPGs, Gong proves that some classes certainly improve over time. He specializes in physical attacks and white magic; the first being unimpressive, and the second possibly being spent in one full-heal! Despite these shortcomings, Gong still has a chance against his opponent here. Slash is certainly not a powerful boss, so Gong may be able to get away with alternating between physical attacks and weaker healing spells. With luck, Gong will prove that even the weakest Master Monk makes a strong Light.

While they both have unfortunate names, neither has much in common with the other. However, Slash does have the advantage in that he was(apparenly) named for some rocker or another, while Gong is named after a heavy metal circle that makes a rather loud sound when struck. Undoubtededly Gong will make a loud noise, perferably a death scream, when he is struck down by that 'ole time rock-and-roll.

Of course, the fact that Slash outpowers pretty much in every category helps, too.

Slash: 29
Gong: 6