Season 13, Week 2
(Pokémon Series)
The most famed electric rodent warrior of Kanto returns. This time though, instead of facing a another rodent, Pikachu is facing the a fellow thunder-type and the most narcissistic mage in Lycia, Serra. Despite their shared affinity though, Pikachu has no intention to hold back; it hopes to defeat Serra with its quick and powerful offence as the two pit Thunderbolts against Lightning. With the added bonus of Light Screen to hold off his opponent, look for Pikachu to claim yet another shocking victory.



Ohmigosh, Serra has her first match! And all she has to do is beat up this totally wimpy rat and she can, like, move on to the quarters. Ohmigosh! This is, like, so totally awesome. I mean, how tough can some stupid electric rat be anyway? Like, as if that stupid electricity can get through her resistance and evasion anyway. And even if the rat head-butts her, it's not like her skull isn't thicker than his in the first place! Ohmigosh, maybe Serra can talk Hector into giving her a bucket of jewels if she wins!

Jo'ou Ranbu
The battle was supposed to be fierce. Serra, triumphant and confident, walked towards the arena, sure that she would win and receive plenty of jewels.

Pikachu, on the other hand, was even more focused. He pressed his eyebrows, muttered "Pika..." and went up, ready for a battle he would never forget.

Then, Serra looked right, left, up. She didn't find her foe.

Pikachu hung his head and yelled "PIKA!" in frustration.

Serra, as the ditz she was, took a bit of time to realize Pikachu was there. But one quick movement and she finally remembered to look down.

That's all it took. The moment Serra leaned her eyes on the yellow rat, she panicked, raised her skirt like a little girl, screamed "AAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!! A FILTHY YELLOW RAT!!!!! OMIGOSH YUCKYYYY!!!!!!!!!" and left the arena between dashes and trips.

A muddled yellow rat stood victorious for no reason.

Pikachu: 31
Serra: 22