Season 19, Week 3
(Suikoden II)
The mighty Dark Valkyrie has fallen, and after defeating one of the denizens of Asgard, you might think that Nanami's next bout will be easier. After all, her opponent is a bard, which sounds less impressive than a goddess. But Karyl has the healing, not to mention a level of non-suck, that Hrist never had. Still, Nanami has a massive advantage in speed, which means she'll be getting in enough hits to overwhelm the Edward wannabe. Throw in a few criticals and the power of the Golden Bird Holy Flower Dragon Tooth Glory Punch to back her up, and it won't be long before Karyl goes to La-La Land.



His heady voice wafting through the air, breaking the heart of all the fair maidens who can hear his song, the troubadour Karyl enters the ring for his second match. If by some miracle the (even if she is more of a tomboy) female martial artist Nanami isn’t rendered awestruck by Karyl’s magnificent songs, the Aquaveilan lord will still find that he need not worry about the match. After all, Nanami may be fast, but her puny strikes can’t match up against Karyl’s healing, leaving Karyl’s Golden Voice free to tear at both her body and her soul.

Sometimes, in life, your lute just isn't enough.

So you pull out your ELECTRIC GUITAR.

But Karyl's is a dummied item, so he loses for pulling it out.


Nanami: 29
Karyl Sheeden: 26