Season 19, Week 4
Elly van Houten
Elly may not have the quick wit or star power of her journalistic opponent, but she holds a definite advantage when it comes to actual arena fighting. With her trusty Lunar Rod, elemental deathblows, and several lifetimes' worth of determination, Elly won’t let anything or anyone stop her from getting to her second Light final. And if the not-so-mighty Chisato is somehow able to overcome Elly’s attacks, Miss Van Houten can always channel her mysterious Antitype powers to blast the nosy reporter to shreds.



Journalist love never dies! After crushing the hearts of considerate people everywhere, Chisato Madison finally fights an opponent that won't give her problems with the legal system! Elly isn't jailbait, nor is she an endangered species, but she has a dangerous trick on her Lunar Rod. No matter, though: frail, sluggish Elly is exactly the type of opponent Chisato loves to smash with her martial arts. Blocking a strike here and there while delivering tons of Rising Dragons, Chisato has Light in the palm of her hands.

After last weeks fashion fiasco, certain precautions were taken with Ms. Van Houten's room this week. The entirety of ring-side security was placed within 50 feet of her locker room, several freshly-minted Holy Swordsmen guarded the door, and several off-duty Godlikes patrolled the area hourly (Albedo was reportedly hospitalized doing this after making 'obscene' gestures towards one Emeralda Kasim). In fact, never had a Dueller been better protected.
The downside, of course, was that everywhere else was completely vulnerable.
It was a red-letter day for thieves and adventurers. Among other cases, most of the multiverse’s Airships mysteriously disappeared, the Vault of Banned Equipment was found the next day to have no Materia, and even the shirt off Nate Nanjo's back was stolen (though in this case the thief, an Al Bhed who chose not to divulge their name, was almost immediately found and severely beaten. Apparently this act was committed on a dare.)
It was also a chance for an oft-shunned segment of the League's population to broker a deal. Apparently banking on her legendary temper and potential for media exposure, Zidane Tribal, Edgar Figaro, and Zelos Wilder decided to 'drop in' on Chisato Madison to make their case for allowing so-called perverts have more access to Duellers. Her reaction was severe to say the least. The men have not been seen publicly since their ejection several hours later from Ms. Madison's room and subsequent hours of unconsciousness.
Of course, the thoroughness of the beating she delivered cause Chisato to miss the match, handing Elly another easy victory, but so it goes.

Elly van Houten: 36
Chisato Madison: 19