Season 20, Week 3
(Chrono Cross)
There is little Radius’ long life and years of managing the rambunctious Arni Village have not prepared him for, and, fortunately, a backstabbing and manipulative succubus from the depths of the Netherworld is no exception! Leena’s temperamental nature aside, Radius is too experienced to fall for even Etna's psychological trickery, making this a pure contest of battle prowess. Thus is Radius thoroughly in his element, having spent years showing up young upstarts who think to challenge him with their swords, spears, or whatever the weapon of the day is. All it’ll take is a little of his tried-and-true Vital Energy for her to crumple like a fish out of water.



Laharl's most trusted -- God knows why -- vassal advances to the second round to find that her new opponent is but a frail old man! The demoness is sure to be in her best form this week, as there is little she enjoys as much as toying with stupid old humans. And as Etna is well over a thousand years old herself, Radius cannot even lay claim to his usual edge in experience. It doesn't look like anything he can do could stop this ambitious girl from advancing to week four, so if Etna's feeling particularly cruel (and really, when isn't she?), she might just decide to neglect her weapon entirely, instead letting her patented Sexy Beam overwork Radius' frail old heart.

Ah, Radius, a dignified veteran of many battles.

A leader of his community.

One of the few people that can effectively wield a cane like a sword and pretend to sheath it.

An old man.

A very old man.

A man that is, right this moment, being carried out of the arena on a stretcher.

I guess Sexy Beam was too much for him. Even from a flat-chested girl.

Radius: 12
Etna: 39
All right, radius is a pretty cool guy, but come on, look at etna, she is crazy! A crazy demon vs. a fairly skilled old man, not thinking radius would win this one.