Season 22, Week 4
(Suikoden IV)
Bearing the heart of a lioness, Flare lives to protect and serve her people. Even in the face of the grim occupation of Kooluk, she was steadfast. This spirit is what makes her a deadly Light, though her strong stats and a Wind Rune don't hurt. The Shredding is far more than Opera can handle, and Wind of healing far outpaces the limited recovery powers of her opponent's Healing Star. An arrow or two will show Opera who the superior user of ranged weaponry is, much as it showed former light champion Virginia.



With a Light title in her sights and nothing but puny mages to stop her, some might say that Opera's getting a bit cocky. And why shouldn't she be? A victim of an unfair downgrade and written off as trash, her rebirth only came after forcefully beating one of Light's finest mages, Lezard Valeth. With him gone, there's nothing left that's even remotely threatening. Opera's still going to at least show up to get her easy win, as @ on one and Healing Star far, far outpace anything this so-called princess brings to the table.

What does one expect from a battle between two light divas? Tears, brutal damage exchanges, and lots of torn garments.

Instead, the two settled their differences in the classiest way possible- a drinking contest.

Flare chose Salt Water as the drink of choice, and kept using Wind of healing to cure the poisoning effects of it.

Opera.. well, she at least managed to finish several shots before needing medical attention. It's something.

Flare: 30
Opera Vectra: 17