Season 24, Week 2
(Breath of Fire)
The last remaining member of the shapeshifting clan. The greatest thief of the night town Bleak. The one who, in Japan, was originally named Dank. Call Karn whatever you want; it doesn't change the fact that he holds a startling edge in this fight. Karn's known for being a tricky speedster, and his opponent is known for being slow and weak. Good thing for Karn, too, since it means his low defense won't hurt him in this fight as it usually does. A few well aimed shots of his Dark Dagger is all the thief needs to take down his axe-wielding, Tir-fanboyish foe.



Gremio, loyal companion of the great McDohl family, has many naysayers. People who would say he is far more suited to a kitchen than a duelling arena. He has already taken one step toward silencing them with a win in Light, and fully intends to take another. And what better person to give Gremio a win than Karn, a weak, frail thief whose only redeeming feature is banned in the DL? Unable to fuse, Karn's pitiful dagger strikes will be easily outmatched by Gremio's axe, and the steadfast Gremio will easily be able to weather more blows than the scrawny thief. Gremio shall do Master Tir proud this day.

There's so many ways Karn wins, some more legal than others. It's really quite boring in the end, since all the illegal ones are also the interesting ones.
So what does a cunning thief do? Improvise.
A few hours before the match, while Gremio was having his axe sharpened, Karn snuck in through the kitchen of the McDohl mansion and, somehow, managed to find the recipie for Gremio's legendary Special Stew. Not just a copy, but the actual master file Gremio kept.
Distraught upon learning this from Cleo, Gremio searched the entire mansion time and again, missing the match entirely. After being granted the win, Karn went back, and placed the recipie right where he'd found it, running away a little quicker than seemed necessary.
It turns out that it's best not to ask what's in Gremio's Special Stew.

Karn: 41
Gremio: 26

Terra Fanboy
Karn hated the DL, he simply couldn't understand why he wasn't permitted to come in as Puka. By all rights, he was stronger than Ryu! He knew Gremio didn't know about his fusion, so he approached him. "How about we agree to settle this out of the ring with some friends?"

Gremio agreed. Parn came fused as Puka. Gremio came with Tir. Five seconds later Gremio was collecting scales from a dead Puka.