Season 31, Week 2
(Suikoden II)
No longer just the owner of a weird pet, Millie's branching out in the world. After discovering that her true calling was spitting rhymes, the perky girl's gone into the field of rap! There's no better forum than the DL arena for a new artist, and the more matches she gets, the more people who will see her perform and the more likely she'll be to sell her new record. Her first single was just made for this fight! With Rapmaster Seifer providing the chorus and support at ringside, there's no way she can lose. And now, the debut of Millie's new single, with a chorus that also doubles as her describing her own victory! "Millie Millie Millie can't you see? Sometimes your speed just hypnotizes me. I just love your doubling ways, that slow old man can't hit you; Duessel's gonna pay."



Duessel's a fine fighter and leader, and a noble warrior who stood a stand against the dark path Lyon walked. What Duessel isn't is hip. Millie's insane warbling and outfits just confuse the staid old man, who has no idea what rap's about. What he does know is that getting doubled certainly isn't a big deal; his counters more than offset that advantage. Milile's pitiable offense can barely scratch the tanky Great Knight, while his own mighty physicals will easily maul the underdressed young lady. Millie's obviously more focused on hyping her record than her battle, which is a fatal mistake against someone as seasoned as Duessel. Besides, Millie's working with Seifer. That's a sure sign of loserdom, and Duessel can just note that and smile as he prepares for his glorious debut.

Millie has Seifer assisting her. She'll be lucky if she isn't hit by a drive by arrowing on the way to the arena for the shame she brings to Suikoden, let alone somehow get enough support to scrape a few rounds of nonfatal combat up against Duessell.

At least this leads to Fujin kicking the crap out of Millie after for actually letting Seifer speak in public. Truly a good day for everyone who counts.

Millie: 28
Duessel: 52