Season 31, Week 4
Karyl Sheeden
(Tales of Destiny)
Karyl is ready to take down one of Light's big fish. Technology vs. music; bazooka vs. guitar; explosive, homing ordinance vs. a sexy, piercing voice... silly as it may sound to the untrained ear, the laws of the RPG multiverse have shown again and again that the power of song is more than equal to the power of science. Both sides are so similar in strength, durability, and general tactics that this match could go either way; however, Karyl has one trick Opera doesn't have: the paralysis-inducing Rumba. With that ace up his sleeve, plus the fact that his healing is cheaper and more effective than his opponent's, this match will end with a guitar-strumming bard outperforming an Opera.



The intergalactic traveler Opera Vectra, co-captain on the boat of marriage, has carved a swath of destruction through Light this season. Rightfully so, since her combination of power and technology (and a handy third eye) make beating such inferior competition a breeze. In this match, she faces a truly formidable foe: the power of song! Karyl is Opera's equal in many ways, so it will be a wonderful slugfest to behold. But there won't be any wooing his opponent into paralysis for the princely crooner; this lady's taken and has the Paralysis Check to prove it. She'll stop at nothing to claim her rightful spot in the Light finals, even if it means attacking so much it melts her laser rifle from the inside out.

A match of guns against harps?

Clearly, this is no ordinary matchup of RPG cliches. No mere simple set of concepts can convey this, unlike such other epic clashes as Swords vs Guns, Technology vs Magic, and Jogurt vs Shiho.

This is a truly epic clash of cliches.

There is only one way to truly describe this, in fact. Since all conventional symbols fail, we must resort to Lexis Shaia's Symbotics, a form of language/mathmatical symbology that, up until now, was not in workable form. However, we have fed him enough sugar to get him to complete it. And so...

Orange+Bannana+[Nectarine-Ping-Pong]/Lanolin Monkey Encased In Jello.


Serendipitous swallows sear shriekingly southward shores! Seized sourgum shatters seconds!


As it turns out, Lexis' rough approximate translation of these events did occur, as somehow Opera ended up pledging her love to Karyl, ripping off his pants, and making out with him in full view of hundreds of people, stopping only long enough to make out with Claude, Ernest, and Bowman out of the crowd for a while.

Then the pudding rained from the skies.

There is no way to explain any of this, it made no sense at all to anyone.

Therefore the proper assumption is that, in fact, Lexis' language is a link to the darkest of evils, an arcane language capable of the most horrific evils ever.

Sten and Edge have both attempted to abuse this by feeding Lexis large amounts of sugar. Results were mixed; Sten somehow found himself in Charmles' clothes(With Charmles.), while Edge, in his own words to Yuri, "ended up the hottest lesbian ever. For an hour. Now let's never speak of it again.".

Karyl Sheeden: 43
Opera Vectra: 39

Dark Lord Magus
And that, kiddies, is why you never bring a freakin -guitar- to a gun fight. I sure hope the tiny Karyl pieces didn't mess up Opera's lovely evening gown. That would be just -dreadful-. Hey, if nothing else, she could try to spare the hat. Nothing like a good old-fashioned pimp hat to brighten your whip-wielding boyfriend's day.