Season 4, Week 1
The axe-wielding yaoi bait is here to show that he's got a bit of fight in him, and that Tir's 'significant other' isn't really as bad as people say he is. Gremio's trusty axe will serve him well against a foe that is even more pathetic in the stats than he is. As well, with the burning need to prove himself against neighsayers, Gremio's spirit may ignite a fire in him that will turn Solt to ashes with his determination.



How wonderfully wonderful! The most talently talented of the Acacia Dragoons, Solt, is finally making his debut appearance in the RPGDL! While his attacks are nothing short of pathetically pathetic, at least he can take comfort in the fact that his opponent is little different! Will Solt's status as a boss, albeit a scrubbily scrubby one, save him in his match against Gremio, or is the Acacian outmatched in this match made lightly in Light?

Solt is also a food Product, as we know, evne if Spelt wrong. Gremio is a Cook, a good one at that. Gremio simply just grabs Solt and uses him as one of his ingredients in his next recipe:
Victory ala Light Match.
He's still working on the name, give him credit!

Gremio: 8
Solt: 3