Season 35, Week 4
Karyl Sheeden
(Tales of Destiny)
Oh look, another lamb to the bardic slaughter. Benadette is an efficient Light normally, but unfortunately for her, she had to come across Karyl. Her Silent Lake is completely useless against a bard who uses no spells, only techs; her plentiful healing is outshined by Karyl's even greater healing; finally, the damage of the Island Nations representative really, really sucks, not even reaching mediocre. Meanwhile, Karyl can quite simply use the Paralysis inducing Rumba, which ends the fight immediately once it hits, or just go for a traditional beat-down with his painful Golden Voice.



Bernadette Egan had a lot of success in the Not Ranked Arena in her time there, and now she is having equal success smashing the denizens of the DL's Light division. Dragons? Reporters? No big deal for the ambassador’s daughter. But this time, she has a challenger worthy of her talents, a opponent so fierce that she... wait, what? A bard? A bard is not even going to begin to touch Ms. Egan and her knife-launching skills! She can just heal herself as needed, throw a few knives, and repeat the process, leaving Karyl to be shredded as Bernadette chases her around the Arena.

" What are you doing here?" Bernadette said, puzzled, as her father walked into the arena.

"It's pretty simple, girl. I'm going to have to tell you to call off the match." Skald said gravely.

"Why? This is my first real chance to do something memorable!" Bernadette cried. "Did you screw something up again!?"

"...Bern! You know better than to question me like that. It's vital that you call off this match. We have more important things to be doing!" Skald said.

"...fine. Okay, let's go." Bernadette said unhappily.


" Please, please, please tell me there was something you wanted to do besides attend Karyl's victory celebration." Bernadette said in disgust.

She had finally found her father, who had disappeared within minutes of calling her out of the match.

"...Ah, well, uh...darn it, no one throws a party like a bard! Hahahaha!"


"...I won't do it again."


"...and I'll make it up to you. Darn it. Why is my daughter such a tight a-"

Bernadette, frustrated beyond reason, proceeded to knock her beloved father out.

Karyl Sheeden: 28
Bernadette Egan: 22