Season 4, Week 3
Rufus Shinra
(Final Fantasy VII)
Rufus Shinra isn't exactly a damage god, and he isn't much on staying power. What does he have, then? Speed. Lots and lots of speed. He'll need to put this to good use early on in this match, and try to force a quick win over Miranda. Miranda's defense is on par with a Suikoden mage's, and considering she needs time to charge her only deadly move, this match is well within Rufus's grasp.



Miranda faces a foe this time that could be her undoing. That is, if she didn't have her dragoon spells. As always, Miranda has the luxury of her healing spells to use, but, as always, she would eschew them in favour of the White Silver Dragon. And with Miranda's high magical stats, that means death. Rufus' damage will not kill her before she reaches her second turn, which means lights out for Rufus. It looks like some company may lose its idiot in this match!

A Final Fantasy character cannot be targeted while they're in the air from jumping. Rufus attempts to emulate this by grabbing onto his helicopter and shooting at Miranda. Unfortunately, his aim is a little shaky from all the movement, a statement that can't be shared by Miranda. Especially when she decides to target the helicopter and bring it down.

Rufus Shinra: 0
Miranda: 20