Season 40, Week 3
(Pokémon Series)
One tiny fat Star of Destiny down, one old wrinkly Star of Destiny to go! After dispatching the horrendously inept Rico, the Yellow Dynamo takes on one of Geddoe's flunkies, the one who always has a strange card up his sleeve! While Pikachu would be far more honored to face the True Lightning Rune bearer, one of his companions should work well enough. As usual, Pikachu's Agility/Light Screen/Double Team buffing game will work against a sluggish foe, and even his Fire Rune, with its weak magics, won't be of much help. And, while Joker isn't as incompetent as Rico, the difference is actually a bit academic in a duelling environment. As such, Pikachu is ready to electrify the opposition once again!



It's just Joker's luck to be saddled with another furry creature to take on this round. After his victory over the giant kung-fu cat Mao last week, one would think the odds would be in his favor not to face one again. Alas, such is not the case. He's even got an even smaller, more adorable opponent this time in Pikachu, the legendary electric rat. Joker's magic defense will help him here, and the fact that the elements of fire and electricity are neutral to each other puts them on an equal playing field. Nevertheless, Joker's strong fire magic should put a hurting on the frail mouse. A Light championship would be a feather in Joker's ponytail to rub in Ace's face, and after he defeats Pikachu, he'll be one step closer.


And with that, Pikachu's half of the arena collapsed under the force of the explosion, with Pikachu itself blasted into fine dust. As the flames rose higher and Joker laughed, Bartz jumped awake and snapped his fingers.


"Aww, you couldn't let it keep going for any longer?"

"Nah, but you got your win." With that, Bartz rebalanced his hat on his head and left. Joker looked to Pikachu staring at him sadly, and then to Queen, leaning against the wall behind him in boredom.

"Why's the Pikachu staring at me?"

Queen gave Joker a level stare. "I think it thought you were playing a game with it. Probably not happy to learn the fight's over already."

Joker looked back to the rodent and snorted for a moment, before walking out of the arena.

And promptly getting hit in the small of the back by a Volt Tackle.

Queen sighed a bit and went to go buy popcorn. This could take a while for them to finish.

Pikachu: 28
Joker: 34