Season 41, Week 3
Ricardo Gomez
(Shadow Hearts: From the New World)
Well, it seemed almost certain it would come to this. Ricardo has nothing against Frank, of course...well, maybe a bit of bitterness for the constant assault on what sanity the team has left, but a fight's a fight, and Ricardo is sure to win. Why? Well, for starters, Ricardo has way more damage than Frank, thanks to his crests and guitar picking skills. Another reason is that he has healing, something that the ninja lacks. What's more, he has attack magic, which may use to take advantage of Frank's utterly abysmal special defense. And with Ricardo's speed advantage, he's going to get plenty of opportunities to use them! Of course, it might take awhile to whittle down Frank's HP with Fated Day's End, but since Frank can't outdamage Ricardo's healing fast enough with all those extra turns included, it's not like it'll matter much in the long run anyway. Frank's certainly no slouch in the mighty Light field, but Ricardo's simply much better, and in the end the only thing Frank can hope for is an honorable defeat.



The Defender of the States, the great master of Brazilian Ninjitsu, Frank Goldfinger, has proven his mettle in the Arena many times in the past. But this week, he faces the greatest challenge yet - a battle against his own ally! Ricardo, the musician, and Frank, the ninja - it's like pirates fighting ninjas, except instead of pirates there are guitars. Nonetheless, this is a battle for truth, justice and the American way, and Frank won't back down when it comes to enforcing the will of the United States of America! As such, no amount of Mariachi fanciness will dissuade Frank from using all the tools in his arsenal to achieve victory. With his shish-kebob in hand, the ninja possesses greater power and resilience than the guitarist can even hope to match. A few Fast Snowballs should railroad the frail little illegal immigrant in an instant, and though it'll pain Frank to see his ally in agony, it's all for the best. For Frank, nothing is more important than protecting the greatest country the world has ever known.



To: Duelling League Staffing Administration

As of this night of 03/14, we now move to forbid Dark Force from assigning proxies to judging duels that he had been assigned to judge, either directly or as a proxy himself, for a period of time indeterminable until he has shown proof that he will not assign proxies in such a manner that will create a large-scale disturbance amongst the audience. This has been determined after the observation of events that have occurred as of tonight's Quarterfinal Light match, of one Gomez, Ricardo, versus one Goldfinger, Frank.

To elaborate upon the match, the original designated judge, one Etna, had, in what could arguably be labeled as a bout of laziness, assigned one Dark Force as a proxy to the match in question, claiming that she had "important business to attend to" upon the time of the match. Upon the initialization of the match, it appears as if Dark Force had assigned three proxies to judge the match in question: one Magimel, Pierre, one Magimel, Gerard, and one Buigen, whose last name could not be determined. The audience entry gates had been sealed and guarded as per Security Procedure B for containment of audience riot outbreaks during a match, by order of Dark Force.

This act of containment was then followed by both combatants in the match in question being forced to strip down to their undergarments, manually apply oil liberally to their bodies, and then poledance, overall being judged by the three proxies previously mentioned in the document. As a result of this, several damages have accrued throughout the two-hour duration that the "fight" had taken: Roughly twenty-five percent of the audience had self-inflicted grievous wounds, most notably to the eyes or eyelids, most likely in an attempt to cease watching the match. Another ten percent of the audience had attempted or committed suicide during the process. The majority of the remaining sixty-five percent of the audience had injured or killed each other in a riot outbreak of a desperate attempt to escape the premises of the arena in question. Furthermore, one Queen Brahne was sighted in the front row, cheering on the "combatants" in the arena.

This last detail is what has caused us to forward this motion. Scientific studies have not yet determined the level of psychological damage the visage of Brahne has inflicted upon our duelists. While the damage to the audience is temporary, repairable, and of some degree of importance, the duellers must be capable of fighting at least once a week, if not more, and our psychological hospital is woefully behind in comparison to our standard League Hospital. Furthermore, it is not that the duellers in question have been traumatized at all, but the fact that they have experienced unmeasurable psychological trauma as the result of a third party--specifically, one Brahne. Therefore, in addition to the motion stated in the beginning of this notice (that Dark Force be disallowed from assigning any proxy to a match he has been forced to judge, either as a proxy himself, or directly, for a period of time indeterminable until he has proven that he will not assign proxies in such a manner in the future), we also hereby motion that all proxies in the future be screened twice minimum prior to their judging the match that they have been assigned as a proxy to judge for. In addition to that, we motion that Etna be forced to judge over two (2) seasons' worth of matches, with priority given to those in Light featuring Stars of Destiny, or those who have been acquainted with one Serge or one Lynx. Failure to comply will be responded to with a court notice for a day as of yet unspecified.

If there are any issues to discuss, one may call the Duelling League Disciplinary Administration at 555-006-5535.

Ricardo Gomez: 31
Frank Goldfinger: 8