Season 5, Week 1
Rinoa Heartilly
(Final Fantasy VIII)
When one thinks of Rinoa, certain words come immeadiatly to mind: incompetent, ditzy, and annoying. Of course, only one of those counts in the ring, and fighting has always been her strong suit. With her long range and strongest in game projectile weapon, she has the strength to outdamage her opponent. Her only real threat here is Yang's status attacks which can be removed with a single physical hit, and since neither of them are heavy hitters, that only brings us closer to Rinoa's real trump card. With all the weak attacks here, she's almost guaranteed to get off a Limit, which leaves her with a good chance of getting Invincible Moon or Wishing Star, either of which will guarantee her win.



Yang isn't one to normally beat on women, but Rinoa isn't a normal woman. Her powers to annoy, harass, and generally make everyone around her genocidal are enough that Yang will have to strike fast, and strike hard to win. As Rinoa is a FFVIII PC, she lacks both status immunity and staying power.. a bad mix for fighting Yang. Once he applies a set of status attacks with his claws, he can use his charge attack to launch a blow that will cut Rinoa in two, and bypass her extremely dangerous limits.

A poisoned/confused/sleeping Rinoa is about as dangerous as a kitten, if that kitten had to be rescued all the time because of their naive state of mind. And despite an above average attack power, Rinoa isn't going to be doing much this fight besides being poisoned, confused, and/or sleeping.

Rinoa Heartilly: 12
Yang: 14

After the match, the sylphs were busy trying to get Yang on the mend for a while. They were perplexed by how he kept mumbling, 'Can't sleep. Wishing Star will kill me!' over and over again.

What HAD blasted him all the way to their cave this time, anyways?