Season 44, Week 3
(Suikoden Series)
As a youth of the Warrior Village and as Tengaar's hapless sweetheart, Hix knows many things about the arts of war (even if he doesn't want to). Already one opponent has tasted Hix’s blade, and it seeks further training. Hix’s good speed will ensure that he gets the first turn, while his good defense will take much of the sting out of Kent’s strikes. But, what about Kent's counters? Hix has those too! Of course, they are attached to his evasion, making it doubly painful for Kent if he misses. And above all, the Exertion Rune will make Hix’s physical attack more powerful every turn, giving him the upper hand in a long, drawn out sword fight.



Lance in hand, justice in heart, the red Paladin of Caelin rides on to his second challenge in this tournament. Well, challenge is perhaps too strong of a word for the opponents he's been faced with so far. Augst was not a worthy foe on the field of battle, and frankly neither is Hix. While Kent can certainly appreciate a warrior who serves his Lady faithfully, the fact remains that the young man from the Warrior's Village lacks confidence, control and experience. Fighting from the heart is all well and good, but emotions are no substitute for skill, and Hix's passionate attacks will fail against the calm lancework and precise counters of Lady Lyn's right hand man.

"Okay. You've got a lot of potential, that much is clear. However. If you want to truly harness the power of that sword of yours..."

"Ah... Ah! Yes, I see now!"

Rebecca strolled down the arena passageway with a plate in hand, a tune humming through her head as she smiled somewhat vacantly, frowning only at the sight of Tengaar with her ear pressed against the door of the room for which she was delivering food, paying little attention to the archer.

"Uh. Tengaar, the door's-" Rebecca started.

Tengaar looked up, and motioned wildly at Rebecca. With a pause, Rebecca set down the plate and moved next to the door, listening in as well.

"See, you can easily slide the blade in and out of its scabbard... like so. Your previous method was rather sloppy; far too rushed..."


Rebecca paused, before looking to Tengaar, befuddled.

"It's the basics practice Kent promised Hix after Hix lost that match to him. What about it?"

Tengaar was giggling. "These two clearly have no idea what the sound like, you know?"

Rebecca paused. Then her face turned red. Then she thought about it a second more, and turned completely crimson. With a muffled "Eeeeeeeee" she sprinted away from the door, leaving Tengaar laughing loudly outside the door as it swung open. Hix looked out, eyeing Tengaar curiously. "What is it?"

"Oh... oh, Rebecca dropped off the food for you. Go... ahaha... go ahead." Tengaar said between breaths.

"Ah. Thanks." Grabbing the plate of food, Hix shut the door again, leaving Tengaar laughing still.

"So what was that about, Hix?" Kent asked placidly.

"I think Rebecca and Tengaar were listening in." Hix replied, eyeing the food. "Mmm, sandwiches."

"I am not used to the rations of this world yet, I must confess, but for the Lady Lyn, I shall endure." Kent said with the hint of a smile. "But why would... ah, the usual commentary on those who walk the road of the valiant fighter?"

"Yeah, pretty much, I'd guess."

A shadow passed Kent's face. "Bah. That happens far too often."

Hix paused, before his face flushed. "Wait, so you and Sain aren'-"

The flash of a blade was all Hix remembered before he fell unconscious. Kent glared at the young man, then the flat of his sword irritably. "And the fact that that caught you off guard means you still have much to learn, it seems."

Hix: 20
Kent: 38