Season 52, Week 1
(Golden Sun)
You don't need to be a tactical genius to know that a surefire strategy in the Dueling League is to hit something really hard, and if that doesn't work the first time, then to keep on hitting them until it finally sinks in. Which is a good thing this match, as Garet can be charitably be said to have all the tactical skills of week old mayonnaise - such a strategy is probably the only one that'd work well for the young man at any point. Fortunately, with his array of offensive magic and raw attack power, and the even better luck of a fire weak foe not noted for her durability, Garet should be able to use this old trick for an easy win in the arena this time around.



Leona's Queen inherited Liath-Flail and the weight of the world on her shoulders at a young age, becoming the oracle and guardian of her kingdom. Holy magic is her birthright; she wields the Divine Ray spell and boasts plenty of support magic and healing as well. She'll need all that against Garet, whose fiery physical attacks strike at Lyonesse's innate weaknesses. Charm will beguile the dense Psymage, allowing Lyonesse to blast Garet with Divine Rays. Lyonesse's own top tier status resistance means Garet's own status attacks will be useless, meaning all she has to do is beat her lead footed enemy to the first turn for a much deserved win.

"Hey Isaac, I'm fighting a girl, right?"

Yes <-

"Is she durable to physicals?"

No <-

"How about my Fire Adept powers? Will they be useful?"

Yes <-

"So basically, I have a good chance of winning, right?"

Yes <-

"Ok, but my match is happening soon, right?"

Yes <-

"Alright, I have an easy win then ri-..." said as Garet fell asleep.

"Man, been wanting to do that forever. Sorry Isaac, but I couldn't stand to see you suffer through 20 more of Garet's least." Said Ivan.

"How did you know he was gonna keep going?" responded Mia.

"For starters, think about who you're talking about...that, and I'm a telepath...note that I regret peering into his mind though."

Isaac sighed, gesturing that they may have cost Garet the match through that action.

"Oh, don't worry. His opponent, unlike a king of a neighboring country of hers, is smart enough to know when a fight isn't worth fighting. I think she'll just prefer to give up a losing fight rather than enter the ring..."

" read her mind too, didn't you?"

"Was it really that obvious?"

Garet: 19
Lyonesse: 6