Season 54, Week 2
(Breath of Fire)
The shapeshifting, knife tossing, formerly-dark-skinned-but-made-white-for-censorship thief of the original Breath of Fire, hailing from Bleak, returns! And his dart board this time happens to be one of the most-mocked characters of all time, the young prince of Damcyan, Final Fantasy IV's Edward. What's Karn going to do? Throw knives! And more knives! Keep throwing them so fast, the spoony bard won't know what hit him! The master thief got an easy fight and he's not going to let this chance slip through his fingers!



Oh dear! What is this now? Torn away from writing a lovely ballad about his lost love to engage in a battle of music with a... a sleeping, hopelessly-romantic mute? What manner of jest is this? Oh, was it Edward's song? Was it his blistering speed edge over the petty thief combined with the mystical power of his songs that reduced Karn to nothing but a pathetic excuse of whatever being he is? This fight shall be dauntingly long, but our lovable Spoony Bard shall come out victorious to claim what is rightfully his.

Karn prides himself on being one of the fastest in light. So when a flat footed bard challenged him to a footrace instead of a fight, he was more than willing to take that challenge.

Edward's appearance to fight with his allies again at the end of FF4a had granted him many things. One of those was a chance to train with everyone's favorite ninja prince, who just so happened to be one of the fastest in the land. Edward trained, and trained, and trained to get ready for his fight. He's still however Edward and doesn't get much faster. Edge just cuts to the chase and puts Karn to sleep, so the sedate Bard from Daymcan can walk to a win.

Karn: 20
Edward Damcyan: 26