Season 55, Week 3
(Chrono Cross)
Leena's luck is looking up this season. First she takes out a minor deity in the first round and now all she has to fight is a frail old man? That's so great! Zhuzhen's magic may be sorta nice to look at, but Leena's no slouch against magical offense, no siree! And Zhuzhen's defenses? Not so good against physicals, and that's Leena's first line of offense with her godly spatula! And should the weirdo oracle even manage to deal enough damage to actually finish Leena off, she has auto-revival to shrug off that pesky 'death' thing and keep the battle going in her favor. He'll run out of magical resources long before she runs out of kitchenware!



Zhuzhen may be awfully tolerant of those pesky youth for a curmudgeonly old man, but don’t think for a second that it means he’ll go easy here. While Zhuzhen may not be fast or durable, Leena’s lacking offense (a spatula? Really?) and bad durability means that the wise oracle should have little trouble outpacing her, especially considering she’s weak to his most potent spell! And his best armor even reduces Ice damage, killing her dreaded slap tech right there. With such dangerous tools, Zhuzhen should have little to fear from even Leena’s very limited Auto-Life. The Flames of Fudo will claim yet another victim!

"And then... I PULL ANOTHER RABBIT OUT OF MY HAT!" Zhuzhen announced to an applauding audience, completely ignoring the rather incensed Leena in the arena across from him. Setting the rabbit down gently on the arena floor, Zhuzhen looked back up to see Leena right in his face. "I am going to utterly waste you for making me wait around so much."

"Oh, come now, dear. You didn't enjoy my tricks?" Zhuzhen smiled - and getting a frying pan to the face for his effort. Grunting, "Fine, fine. Bunny, sic 'em!"

"... you're trying to tell a bunny to kill me." Leena said, slowly. "That is not only the most bloody idiotic thing I've heard all day - keep in mind I'm from Chrono Cross, if I don't hear brain-hemorrhaging things from Razzly every other minute it's a miracle - but it's also insulting. I may be in Light, same as you, but don't you think that I can handle a rabbit? I cook rabbits! For meals!"

"I'm from the world of Shadow Hearts." Zhuzhen smiled - hardly kindly this time. Leena paused, before her eyes widened slightly...

...and that was when Bunnythulhu claimed her, dragging her back into the depths.

Leena: 15
Zhuzhen Liu: 36

Zhuzhen don't know about Leena's spatula skills. He'll never look at grilled cheese the same way again.