Season 55, Week 4
(Mega Man X: Command Mission)
Cinnamon sometimes has to do things that aren't all that nice. And, really, having to beat up a Chosen girl is not nice at all. It gets even less nice when you realize that this Chosen girl is... um... sorta retarded. Seriously, Cinnamon feels tempted to run a check-up on Colette, since she is so dumb that you'd have to wonder if she wasn't lobotomized by Dr. Psyche at some point. Sadly, though, she seems unwilling to let the good nurse treat her, so Cinnamon will have to get tough! With her Iron Maiden Hyper Mode powers, Cinnamon will slap this dim little angel girl silly and have her stay put for proper medical examination! And if she fights back, the deep healing reserves within the nurse's core will get her through!



As a Chosen, Colette comes from a long line of people affluent in magical powers. Cinnamon... is a robot. Sure, a healing robot who stored a special metal inside of her, but at the end of the day, she’s not exactly the most powerful thing in the cosmos. Colette’s Angel Halo powered attacks should be quite effective against Cinnamon, and she can even buff her defense and attack to both neuter Cinnamon’s quite limited damage and make her already rather painful attacks even more effective. She even has some magic if she wants to bypass Cinnamon’s defenses and try to bring the pile of sentient metal down for the count even faster! It may not be easy, but Colette’s got quite the title to live up to, it seems.

Cinnamon had studied her opponent.

She knew her advantages at Colette's own game.

Sure, Colette just apparently tripped on things and either they exploded or she did. Appeared. But that would be ridiculous. It had to be on purpose, a dangerous, double-edged gambit.

But Cinnamon had an advantage.

Weight. Robots are much heavier than simple flesh.

And so, Colette was tripped on by a large chunk of girly metal.

Really, there was only one problem for Cinnamon here.

She forgot she was the generic healer girl, not the strategist.

As Colette fell, she naturally blew a hole in the arena floor, sending both of them plummeting down several hundred feet down an old, sealed manhole, into the sewers.

Well, it's still a win. Colette left the arena first.

But at what price?

I mean, those silly nurse uniforms can't be easy to clean that out of.

Cinnamon: 18
Colette Brunel: 12