Season 56, Week 4
Black Wizard
(Final Fantasy)
Anthropomorphic merchant? Not scary. Wizard wielding ancient magics capable of destroying the universe? Scary. Black Wizard's domination of Light comes as no surprise, as Final Fantasy's first user of dark magic is no one for mere lights to trifle with. Breath, Death, and Flare are all spells that could spell doom for Chiepoo, who focuses on evasion to win the day. His quite solid physical evasion does him no favors here, and his inept physical is nothing that can scare someone so steeped in magical energy as Black Wizard. Chiepoo can't buy or fight his way out of trouble against this ancient master of magic, and is thus doomed to failure against arcane might!



A scholar of the universe's arcane secrets vs a merchant of the universe's mundane wares. The battle does seem a tad lop-sided when taken at a glance, and indeed it is, but not quite in the way most people would think. For one thing, while Black Wizard knows all sorts of eldritch spells, he doesn't seem to know any that deals more than middling damage. Sure, you could say the same about Chiepoo physical, but unlike our wizardly friend, the Nay-Kobold doesn't die to a sneeze and has cat-like speed to compensate. A few quick scratches is all that'll take to drop this shining example of a very squishy mage and then it's off to the finals for the little trader that could.

Tylor H
Cost of Ritual Components: 66,600 Gil
Cost of Ritual Completion: One 'slightly' tarnished soul.
Cost of Taking Over Hell Itself: 5 x 10 to the 13 HL, and several only theoretically existing 9th level spell charges.

The satisfaction of crushing a naive catperson while wearing the infernal splendor of the Dark Overlord and Hell, and crushing him with your blasphemous omnipotence?


Of course, one of the rules of reality seems to be things never work out for Black Mage. And, while killing himself went off without a hitch, and even his attempts at conquoring all the realms infernal also proved surprisingly effective. And he even managed one hell of an entrance what with the ground ripping open that he might ride forth in his bone chariot pulled by raging hellsteeds whilst a chorus of the damned carried an ominous latin chant in the background.

Of course, he hadn't realised that the DL was a particularily bad place for an omnipotent demonic overlord to pop up, given that the whole place was filled practically to the brim with those pesky goody two shoes heroic types who specialised in killing dark gods. And they were all there, bored out of their minds looking for something interesting to do while waiting for the 'real' fights to start.

There were some who said that the resulting beatdown was clearly an instance of interference. Others said that clearly the judges were biased, after all, the heroic ones wouldn't want BM rewarded, and the villainous ones unlikely to want the competition.

But all the official report ever said was, "Most entertaining Light fight ever."

Black Wizard: 30
Chiepoo: 19