Season 57, Week 2
Shir Gold
(Phantasy Star 2)
The Queen of Thieves faces off against a little pretty boy in Light... this really could describe a lot of fights, but Shir's not letting Karyl off the hook because he's some pansy musician. Laconian Daggers at the ready, and her beautiful Colorscarf and Truth Sleeves donned, nothing can stop her as she tears the bard apart. Blasting wind, terrible gravity crushes... what can counter the sheer might of Shir's onslaught? Not some freakishly feminine musician, that's for sure! She can outthink, outspeed, and outfight him in her sleep, so really, what's the hold-up? Start this slaughter already! Let the greatest thief (greater than Lupin III!) ever get her chance to shine!



Shir may be quite the expert at pilfering valuable memorabilia off random places, but like all bards, Karyl is quite the expert at stealing valuable hearts off random girls! Granted, given Shir’s professional inclinations, Karyl would probably prefer to keep the match purely impersonal. While Shir’s Nazan isn’t bad damage by any means, it eats through her paltry resources rather rapidly, while Karyl can practically heal until the end of time. Even Shir’s speed won’t be enough as she doesn’t have the long-term offense to capitalize on any extra turns she can sneak in. After all, she has only a few castings of Nazan until she’s a sitting duck waiting to be taken down by Karyl’s Golden Voice.

There is music that can get through to even a hardened criminal such as Shir, whose "walking the winds" have cost storekeepers billions in Meseta over the course of her notorious career.

Of course, sometimes it's a little hard to find.


"Oh god. Oh god, not that sound again!?" Shir shrieked, as she covered her ears. Whimpering, she fled the arena.

Karyl laughed to himself. His research-and an intelligent guess-had paid off.

If it takes someone a long time to steal the right phone, they must have gone through an awful lot of phones trying to steal the right one. Shir's detestation of all things ringtone was a reasonable guess from there.

Of course, it was still all talent.

Have you ever tried making a guitar sound like a telephone ring?

Shir Gold: 12
Karyl Sheeden: 17