Season 62, Week 1
(Pokémon Series)
This is a strange opponent for Pikachu. Melody is as ugly as a pokemon, she's so self-absorbed that she may as well be saying her own name over and over again, and yet she is not actually a pokemon! Pikachu's attacks will have to penetrate a barrier, so the ball lightning mouse will have to- gulp!- outlast Melody's scaly, rocky, demonic hide. Thunderbolt is still very reliable though, and Pikachu's speed is more than enough to beat the ticking clock that is Melody's poison. Fortunately, the horns on Melody's head make such great lightning rods...



As a Prophet, Melody has engaged in beyond complex magical manipulations that would blow most peons' minds! With her knowledge of both the scientific and the arcane, she is feared by many Lights. Pikachu's damage may be decent, but Melody's barrier will take a hefty chunk out of it. And of course, the Pokemon's durability is outright abysmal. Eliminate Scanner will quickly tear the rat into tiny pieces, and Melody's poison counters will even turn Pikachu's attacks against it. After fighting off the will of Filgaia itself, Melody can take a little rat.

Pikachu: 5
Melody Vilente: 25