Season 9, Week 1
Lezard Valeth
(Valkyrie Profile Series)
Denied his rightful position among the godlike contestants, the mighty Lezard Valeth was condemned to Light for many seasons.... until now! Wielding powerful Great Magics and useful support spells, Lezard has a distinct advantage over the much less imposing Guile in this match, and the ultimate pervert-cum-sorcerer isn't one to avoid pressing his advantages. Of course, he mustn't take this too lightly - after all, flattening Guile is only the first step towards the Godlike championship he so rightly deserves.



This mysterious masked warrior is in for a interesting match this week. Guile's great magic defense and quite solid HPs will serve him well against his pure-mage opponent, though Lezard is similarly durable against his magical techniques. But then, even Guile's weak physicals may be enough to take down the frail necromancer. And after all, he could always sneak in a Black Hole element - or failing that, pull of that mask of his...

Before the match, Lezard, being a former Godlike, decided to discreetly call in some favors, and thus entered the arena in his SG form.

The match went something like this:

"No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe! Meteor Swarm!"

Two seconds later, a pile of goo on the floor was all that remained of the hapless CC mage.

Lezard Valeth: 16
Guile: 13

Guile wins this match suprisingly easilly. That wand floating around him reminds Lezard far to much of Lorenta and her dreaded Mystic Cross which lays some serious smack down on him.

One "No, this cannot be!" and a suprised Guile later the match is over.