Season 17, Week 1
(Suikoden III)
Piccolo is among the elite group of Suikoden mages to earn two level four spell charges. So what's he doing in Light? Well, he has a slight problem with durability - more specifically, he has none. At all. Fortunately, his opponents seldom get the opportunity to exploit his one major weakness. If one Furious Blow doesn't finish Edward right off, then two will certainly suffice to crisp the notably frail monarch. With Edward's lackluster offense, Piccolo should have plenty of time to unload the heavy firepower. It's time to continue what Cecile started and bring home another trophy for Budehuc Castle



Few fighters are as maligned as the Bard of Damcyan, and he certainly deserves the reputation; Edward has never proven himself to be much of a fighter on the battlefield. However, it may be finally time to change that view. Edward's damage isn't bad for a Light, which is likely more than Suiko mage Piccolo can take. To add insult to injury, Piccolo's vaunted lightning magic power will be all for naught, as even if Edward doesn't kill in one hit, he can equip the Diamond Ring to reduce the damage that Furious Blow inflicts on him. It won't be an easy match, but Edward has a great chance at a victory - as long as he shows up.

Sage Acrin
Ah, Piccolo. Is there anything that beats a massive lightning strike to someone's face?

Actually, there is. It's a flooded arena.

Unfortunatly for Edward, when he talked Rydia into summoning Leviathan for this simple task a second before the match was started, he forgot one thing.

To fasten his life preserver.

Piccolo can swim, albiet not particularly long, with his stamina...

Edward totally lacks this skill.

I suppose going unconcious from lack of air is better than a lightning bolt to the face, though, so perhaps Edward Damcyan is better off this way, anyhow.

Piccolo: 28
Edward Damcyan: 21