Season 19, Week 3
Elly van Houten
Elly is used to dominating the Light field. But what could be strange in this season up is the ease with which she'll advance to the semi-finals! Elly outmatches her corporate-sponsored opponent in every meaningful way besides speed, a moot point when considering just how badly Elly's deathblows can out-damage a simple shotgun burst. Coupled with Rufus' lacking durability and accuracy, that mismatch sets Elly up to breeze through this joke of a bout and advance to her fourth Semi-Final match.



A week after masterminding a stunning victory against his Etrurian foe, Rufus now faces a far weaker and more easily outmaneuvered opponent. She's also somewhat repetitive - except for her exchange of speed for physical strength, Elly is quite similar to Priscilla - and we saw what happened to her, Her lack of speed makes her that much easier to overpower, and in the end all this means is that Rufus' tried and true strategy of blinding speed and repeated shotgun blasts still guarantees success.

It was mere moments before the start of the match, and Elly couldn't find a single thing to wear. Quite literally.
Someone had stolen the entire content of her closet.
Fei tried to reassure her “Don’t worry, Elly, I’m sure they’ll turn up, and in the meantime... if you have to fight without clothes, it’s not like we haven’t done it before.”
“But we were together then...”
“I’m sure no one would mind if I just escorted you to the ring, if that will help.”

Floating atop a large pile of clothes in a shockingly successful effort to conceal them, Morte smiled to himself. Well, insofar as a skull can duplicate a smile. It was a brilliant plan if he did say so himself. If Elly refused to show up, Rufus would advance, and given Chisato’s general desire for power and inflicting suffering the two were bound to hit it off, paving the way for Morte’s own rise to power. And if she did show up... well, Morte wasn’t going to complain about seeing a stunning redhead fight naked.

The time of the match arrived.
Rufus came out, watching both his enormous female fan-section and the Turk’s discrete search for cheating on the part of Elly’s castmates with appreciative nods.
Elly came out, armed with her rod and nothing else. The resident perverts gave an standing ovation, though their thunderous applause was drown out by the new soundproof bubble they were restricted to.
Close on her heels was Fei, whispering encouragments, managing to wear less than Elly since he wasn’t even fighting that day.
The response was less supportive, to say the least.
Every male in the audience, try as they might to focus on the attractive Geblar officer, was forced almost reflexively to look away. Several fled. Rufus suffered a minor heart attack (apparently his health is not so good as his worlds famous looks suggest), and was immediately carried out by the White Mages and his worried lackeys.
And Morte?
Well, he’d have taken his own life in shame, but unfortunately, this proved an impossibility. Apparently undeath does have its disadvantages.

Elly van Houten: 54
Rufus Shinra: 26

Elly is going to rip Rufus a new one, Elly can use death blows or ether power to destroy Rufus.