Season 25, Week 1
Rinoa Heartilly
(Final Fantasy VIII)
In the eyes of many, Rinoa has a lot to answer for; how many have said that she that ruined her cast single-handed? But she'll be a laughingstock no more! Rinoa has waited a long time to prove she can hold her own in a fight, and now at last she has the chance! Surely a brat like Palom has earned a good beating, and if Rinoa can deliver it, her journey to redemption is well on its way! It's a simple task as well; Palom takes physical blows about as well as your average little boy, and Rinoa's projectile attacks sting far more than what you'd expect from such a slightly built woman. It's all or nothing for Rinoa this season, and come hell or high water, Rinoa will have her way!



"Mouthy" is one word that describes Palom. "Brat" would be another. Certainly, these terms describe him well enough as a person...but that's not the full story. While the Mystidan black wizard is all of those things, he's also as strong as any mage alive. Packing the same black magic that brought Rydia to the brink of a Heavy title, he's far more than any mere Light can handle. It would take a fighter of exceptional durability to take him out, and Rinoa is in no way exceptional. While the troublesome young terrorist has limit attacks that would scare godlikes, she'll have no way to access them after being crippled by one of Palom's many, lethally accurate status attacks.

Rinoa is the model of every female Final Fantasy protagonist since: bland and made to stand around and look pretty.

There may be lots of small children, but Palom is the only male black mage that's too busy overcoming his Napoleonic Complex to contemplate his existence. He's a child prodigy, and he knows it. There's none of that self-doubt crap going on.

Who'll triumph? The answer is obvious.

Rinoa Heartilly: 52
Palom: 77

Tidus Andronicus
For Palom's sake, I hope he's wise enough to keep his, uh, Fire Rod to himself for once. This is Rinoa, after all.

Oh, who am I kidding? He's going to win the battle in the DL arena, at least. Let's just hope he doesn't lose the... um, war, here.

Rinoa Fails. EASY Win for Palom :P

FF4 magic has cast time. Regular attacks don't. Rinoa goes first and OHKOs.