Season 25, Week 3
(Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones)
The lazy knight Forde sleepwalks a "fight" with the pitiful Hrist and moves on to an opponent who is barely better. Edward Damcyan, as you would expect from a musician untrained in the rigors of combat, has truly sad offense and non-existant toughness against the combat abilities of a paladin. Edward's only hope in this or any other match, his status-inducing harps, have horrible accuracy and will be grossly unable to deal with Forde's dodging skills. Indeed, Forde has yet to encounter an opponent worth spitting on, but he's not complaining. The less effort he has to put into this duelling thing, the better, right?



Lovely thrills of victory hum brightly in the air as Prince Edward takes his first bow on the stage of life with a superb performance behind him! Conquering the opulent fool Gorudo was an easy task on his path to greatness, and a puny cavalier from Fire Emblem will be just as simple. Evasive and quick, Edward can easily outpace the cavalier! Hide in the shadows and some thwacks with Apollo's Harp, an easy recipe for victory. And if that fails, Edward's divine voice can charm even the hardest of hearts, leaving Forde with no choice but to submit to the superior will. All hail the King of Damcyan!

Edward, you see, had a brilliant plan.

A simple one, too, inspired by an old saying. Music soothes the savage beast.

So, he charmed Forde's horse. After all, a mounted fighter can't do a thing without a horse.

Unfortunately, this has led to Forde's horse now following Edward around at a high speed, which naturally lends it's self well to combat with lance and sword.

Edward, desperately, tried to put the horse to sleep.

Edward evidently doesn't recall basic physics; Charging horse+sleep=still moving horse.

So, Edward ended up under about a ton of horse and heavily armored rider.

He's in a bodycast.

It's okay, the horse is coming to see him every day.

Poor horse. Magic can lead to such lack of taste, can't it?

Forde: 58
Edward Damcyan: 23

Forde >>>> Phailure with 10HKO damage.