Season 26, Week 1
Nina Wyndia
(Breath of Fire III)
Another day, another duel for the Princess of Wyndia. Her magic prowess is at its peak as she enters the Arena... not that she needs such power to beat a simpleton like Zell. Mjollnir is going to tear the SeeD to pieces, and there’s not much he can do about it. While being mocked horribly by Seifer and babbling about random junk might have merits somewhere, Zell is kind of screwed in reality. Now, he has to deal with getting stomped in the arena by a fifteen year old princess! ...although a few singed pieces of hair and a little shock is probably much better than the bodybag he’d be in if he won and had to face Ryu's wrath...



Look out, Duelling League. Zell Dincht is back to beat people up and eat hot dogs... and he's all out of hot dogs (much to the chagrin of the DL chefs)! It may have been a long time since one of Squall's crew won a match in the DL, but Zell is ready to break that losing streak. Nina, after all, has very, very, very sad damage and no match-winning status at all. Very, very, very sad damage with no status means Zell's limit gets to play. And when the Punch Rushes and Booyas start flying, there isn't anything the frail Wyndian princess can do other than keel over and die horribly!

Lurking Registered User
Zell was actually smart enough to challenge Nina to a hot-dog-eating contest, bypassing such problems as his inability to use GFs or drawn spells for the Arena match.

Sadly, he was *not* smart enough to restrain himself before the match, and was found lying bloated and passed out on a table, mouth crammed full of half-eaten hot dogs, having done his darnedest to eat the entire supply reserved for the contest.

While she made valiant attempts to rouse Zell for the match, it was fruitless. Eventually Nina waited for the contest start, daintily nibbled a chunk of hotdog that had flown off in Zell's haste and been somewhat salvagable, and won with a score of 0.2 to 0.

Nina Wyndia: 53
Zell Dincht: 47

Zell has damage. Nina has damage, healing, and buffs. But aisde from that, since FF8 limits only trigger at critical HP, what if somebody cunningly tailored their spells to hit Zell hard on their first action, but not hard enough to put him to critical HP, then open the gates of hell on his ass on the second action? Oops.

Zell>LimitBreak 120 some attacks later... Dead Light bracket.