Season 29, Week 3
Relm Arrowny
(Final Fantasy VI)
Relm now turns to far more dangerous opponents than a book-wielding historian. Pikachu, the head honcho of the terrifying Pokemon fad, must be stopped! Thankfully, she has just the thing to stop this monster - a Fake Moustache. With this little gadget, Relm can do what Ash and every other Pokemon master can - control the little beasts. Then, Relm can simply order the pocket monster to leap off a cliff, ending its domination over the civilized world in moments. Of course, PETA would be horrified at that, so Relm might want to just resort to grabbing a Gravity Rod Cat Hood, and then beating the electrified mouse.



Pika pika! The yellow wonder of Light is ready to bask in glory as he advances in another one-on-one skirmish! With quick reflexes and one hell of an electric charge in his paws and teeth, Pikachu will defeat the annoying little Relm Arrowny with the same game he applied against Alfred Schroedinger: abuse Double Team, crash the party with a few Thunderbolts and ride his speed to a win. And Thunder Wave's paralysis will do unpleasant things to Relm, giving the rat more time to get his game going. Hey, picking on kids may not be nice, but nobody said living the moral life was easy in the arena, even for the mighty Pikachu!

Yeah, it's pretty unfortunate that Pikachu has fallen into the hands of someone who is Final Fantasy VI's MASTER OF CONTROLLING BEASTS. Sucks to be you, Pikachu.

Relm Arrowny: 70
Pikachu: 34

Lurking Registered User
Pikachu is naturally faster than Relm. A Light Ball-fueled Spark (Or he could use Thunder, if he was willing to chance the atrocious hit rate) should OHKO Relm, unless she's got on electricity-immune gear.

So what does Pikachu do if Relm is electricity-immune? Agility his little brains out, of course, until he's sextuple-turning the small artist, and then Quick Attacking her to death. He can probably do this before Relm gets two turns in.

If Relm uses Sketch, Pikachu's own electrical resistance should allow him to survive a shot (Assuming the Sketch isn't Thunder, and just misses.) And if Relm uses Control? Play Pokemon. Now, just try to target yourself in a one-on-one battle. Doesn't work, does it? If Relm wants another turn, she'll have to force Pikachu to hit her with something.

And this is all assuming that Relm can somehow escape the child-oriented marketing that demands her complete and total obeisance to the King in Yellow...