Season 30, Week 3
(Suikoden II)
Genkaku's prized students-slash-children have done much to make him proud this season. Riou took a world-destroying creature like Lavos to the very limits of his power, while Nanami claimed victory over a demigoddess. A mere puppeter's no challenge after someone like Mystina. Branky may pack a strong punch, but Nanami's excellent evasion is more than enough to take the starch out of Mel's strongest attack. With her Eden Rod and all-around good stats to pummel and generally maul Mel, Nanami is going to show the power of her specialized martial arts.



Ladies and gentlemen, be sure to cover your ears, because this is definitely going to be one loud match. In one corner, we have Nanami, the girl who never shuts up (Wonder why Riou is silent? It’s because Nanami is always talking). And in the other, it's Mel and her foulmouthed puppet, Branky - two loud mouths for the price of one. The pre-match exchange of words is sure to be more explosive than the match itself! Of course, that’s because Mel’s Devil Doll rune will obliterate Nanami before she can move a muscle. That’s if Branky’s sharp wit doesn’t finish the job first.

The infinite possibilities of the universe are often not content to flow linearly. That is to say, possibility has a strange way of inflicting itself on space and time rather than time forcing a singular possibility. Humans and other such creatures lack the faculties to cope with such an existence, thus the perception of branching timelines, parallel universes, and so forth.
However, some creatures are perfectly able to see all possibilities at once, even if they are perceived as only existing singularly. Shady Thousand, for an obvious example, simultaneously deals infinite and infantesimal damage (it's a tragedy of nature that humans of the conjoined DL dimension see it as rather closer to the second).
The point of all this? Well, it turns out that Branky, Mel's ever-present companion, is another such creature. Contrary and in accordance with popular belief, he both is and is not a puppet (this also means Mel is and is not a ventriloquist. Apparently Branky rubbed off on her. Or she's a quantum singularity. Neither should surprise us.) While as a puppet Branky's relatively harmless, among his other possibilities are some truly frightening things. The relevant one in this match, as it turned out, was also what cost Mel the match; the True Lightning Rune. For but a few seconds, Branky happened to manifest as that primal force of nature, allowing Mel to incinerate Nanami with Hammer of Raijin. Unfortunately for her, however, one of the judges of that day was, in fact, Geddoe, who of course recognized the spell instantly and thusly disqualified her.
Some might say this was prompted in part by jealousy, since Mel's version of the spell was significantly more impressive than Geddoe's, but then, that's neither here nor there really.

Nanami: 50
Mel: 37

Orson Carola
The deciding factor here is the ability to hit n' heal. Nanami can hit fairly often. Mel can hit often. Nanami can't heal. Mel can't heal. Nanami has decent damage and no rune. Mel can do good damage and has Devil's Doll rune, which, while not the best rune ever, can do good damage that lasts on people who can't heal, like Nanami, whose speed isn't enough to save her. Game, set, Mel.