Season 1, Week 2
Cait Sith
(Final Fantasy VII)



Well, Tellah could turn Cait Sith into a... no, wait, he can get out of that. Well, then it's a straight up fight, and Cait deals better damage.

Cait Sith: 10
Tellah: 0

Cait Sith
It's really close, though. Tellah might survive one hit with the HP shout, then use the Weak spell to bring Cait to low health. It's just dependant on how close to death the first blow brings Tellah. In any case, Cait still wins it, but, it's close...

Tellah's slow and brittle. Two very bad things when his opponent hits hard at the beginning of the battle.

Dark Holy Elf
Tellah, to his credit, can reverse the effects of Cait Sith's Frog. However, he can not take a hit, and Cait Sith will go first, so his HP Shout will be at full power...

Tellah has to go for the quick kill. I don't think he can do it.

Cait is actually a good Light competitor. He's got far more defensive capabilities than Tellah, as well as good offense with his initial materia equips. Even Tellah's Bio and -aga spells will avail him not when he's a frog.

Jack Power
I would have said Tellah. except that Cait has the HP Shout, which will end the fight faster than any of Tellah's spells.