Season 4, Week 3
(Super Mario RPG)
Mallow isn't in a match every day where he looks so ominous. Still, the little guy from the Nimbus royal family is not something to be overlooked or underestimated. His Sonic Cymbals and Star Rain are his fronts of power, and there's always HP Rain. Will this cloud rain on Thomas' parade? Only time will tell!



Thomas's evasion got him past the pure physical Gogo last week. This week, Thomas drew a mage in Mallow. Granted, Mallow is a light mage, meaning he's the worst of the worst for mages. However, Thomas isn't very hard to beat with magic, and his own strength isn't all that impressive. Even with that weakness, Thomas's Master Sword fueled attacks should be able to roast Mallow with only a slight bit of effort.

Evasion, Evasion, how you save him.

Magic, magic, how you kill him.

Mallow, Mallow, how you use Magic.

Thomas, Thomas, how you lose now.

Mallow: 16
Thomas: 1