Season 40, Week 1
(Pokémon Series)
Pikapikapikapikapika! The yellow dynamo is back for another go at the Duelling League! And isn't this a great return - he's squaring off against Fred Maximillian's woefully incompetent aide! Rico has nothing against Pikachu's speed/evade game... well, not true, she has a Water Rune and absolutely horrible accuracy with which to try and hammer away at the electric rodent. This changes little. Vastly outspeeding the fat little girl, Pikachu can open with his typical Agility/Double Team buffs and start his devilish speed game with reckless abandon, what with Rico having horrible evadable damage on top of her large accuracy woes. She can really do little to nothing against Pikachu, and it'll show. Run, Pikachu, like a bolt striking the heavens! For everlasting victory!



Few fighters are as pitiable as Rico. Subject to the rigors of Fred's never-ending quest to defeat evildoers though a softy at heart, few places are worse for Rico's compassion than a one on one duel. Still, it would sully the honor of the Maximillian Knights if she were to lose, and failing Fred isn't an option! Facing off against the likes of Pikachu would frighten many, but fortunately Rico has a Water Rune on hand. If she can weather a blow or two, she can use Silent Lake to muffle the rodent's electrical onslaught, and a few well placed hammer strokes would end of the match. Or she could always depend on its speedy healing to get her the time she needs to put the rat away. It'll be hard, but Rico can always find that extra reserve when Fred is depending on her!


"Oooh, it's so cute! Come here, little Pikachu!"


"Such soft fur! You're the cutest Pikachu ever! Yes you are!"

"Pika pika pika!"

"Hehehee! Here, I've got some food for you! Here you-"


"Oh! I'll be right back, Pikachu! COMING, SIR!"


And thus ended the most epic duel in the history of the DL.

Pikachu: 52
Rico: 14