Season 42, Week 3
Zhuzhen Liu
(Shadow Hearts)
Zhuzhen ain't afraid of no ghost. Nor cat for that matter, be they quantum or otherwise. How does he manage to stay sane in the face of all this? Well, experience, for one. A lifetime spent dealing with the supernatural builds up an immunity to things like talking cats, and Shady isn't even carnivorous or a drooling wreck - almost comedic, in fact. With Zhuzhen's arsenal of spells, how could he be afraid? Zhuzhen may be a little on the slow side, but his magic defense allows him to stand up to pretty much anything Shady can dish out on that side, and since Shady is none too durable himself, he'll be able to smoke him with his spellcasting long before Shady's physical attacks have any effect. Sanity won't come into play in this match, no siree. The word of the day will be comedy. After all... talking cat? Boxes? Ha.



It feels good to be a victor, and the glory of Shady Thousand has just barely begun. After dispatching Ard back to his planet with a half-baked breath, the Schroedinger's notorious Quantum Kitty (TM) is ready for more interesting flights! Although it doesn't look like his newest opponent will put up much of a show here. Zhuzhen Liu is just a rackety old man, with unimpressive cantrips and horrible sense of fashion, and his best magic is even of an element Shady mocks - really, who brings fire to a catfight? With his GREAT MAGICAL DEFENSE and brilliant speed, Shady Thousand shall freeze the wimpy old man with his Freezing Breath over and over! And, once he's done, he might even trap him inside a box to recreate his old master's egregious quantum experiments in a real fight. This is the season of Shady, indeed!

"Eheheheh!" Zhuzhen laughed. "Not so bad, for an old guy, huh?"

Shady sighed.

He'd worked so hard for this moment, and then to get defeated by a foolish, gloating old perverted man, just because he had one obscure weakness!

How humiliating!

How undignified!

Zhuzhen started chanting, to deal the finishing blow.

A small crackling sound was heard behind him.

"Huh? Now what was that no-"

Zhuzhen's question was cut off, as two hands grabbed his head, and twisted.

All became black.


"Fine, are you happy now?" Snake asked Kirby.

Kirby nodded.

"Good, now let's get out of here." Snake said, disgusted. "I swear, the things I get a pink blob to talk me into..."

"..." Shady said very loudly.


"...So what was the decision again? Because I really did not believe I heard that right the first three times. That a group of high Godlikes deliberated over something that simple for three days and came up with something so stupid." Celes said icily, from her position in the judges box.

"...don't...glare at me." Jessica said, with a sigh. "I told you, they said it was judges discretion. As stupid as that is. 'Non-Resident Interference is judged as a disqualification based on judge's discretion.' was the exact wording. It's obvious enough what the decision here will be, since we are sane. Shady was losing at the time. Interference, simple as that, Zhuzhen wins... But the general precedent of judges discretion..."

"Hm. A limitless loophole for madmen." Brahms chuckled. "I'm certainly impressed. And greatly, greatly amused." He chuckled.

Zhuzhen Liu: 42
Shady Thousand: 16