Season 44, Week 1
Gremio has served the McDohl family for quite a long time. Masters Teo and Tir both would give praise to Gremio, and his wonderful cooking skills! Alas, these competitors have no desire for a cook-off, and so Gremio will have to settle this the same way he did in the Gate Rune Wars... excluding, you know, the dying part. Hix is indeed a great swordsman. For this match, however, he is faced with an insurmountable handicap. Tengaar is in the audience today. Hix will be tirelessly yelled at and have no chance to concentrate. If Gremio's luck continues like this, he just might get a Light championship! Maybe... Or maybe not...



Hix was rather embarrassed by his girlfriend's behavior last season. It's not a new thing, mind you, but he usually doesn't have to follow that act by competing the very next season. However, this IS Hix we're talking about, and it's his lot in life to suffer. Luckily, he'll be facing an old friend in the first round. Gremio may hit hard, especially for a mere butler, but with no monocle or tuxedo, what kind of butler is Gremio really? Not much of one, that's what. Hix's Warrior Village training will kick in, and he'll take down the sad excuse for a servant with ease. Hopefully that'll get Tengaar off his back about proving himself for a few days...

Starphoenix das Helpoemer
In a battle between two Suikoden faithful such as these, there is one thing to consider...

The one with an Exertion Rune in his weapon is probably going to kill the one without.

But even if Hix didn't have that nifty little rune on his sword, Tengaar would probably be enough to push this match over the top for him with threats of bloody training or somesuch.

Well, at least it's better than being eaten by carnivorous spores... wait...

Gremio: 11
Hix: 55