Season 49, Week 3
As Master McDohl’s protector, Cleo has seen her share of battles, her blood-stained battlefields and her gruesome wars. Her war-hardened skills and grit determination make her a fearsome woman to face in the arena, as Yukari is soon to find out. With her excellent speed and defenses, Cleo can both strike quickly and last for a long time whenever either is needed. Of course, with her gifted Fire rune, her spells even char the meatiest of opponents. Granted, Yukari isn’t exactly durable or fast, meaning that a quick, powerful strike should quickly overwhelm her, or at least constantly keep her on the defensive, and almost nothing in Light is as powerful or fast as Cleo’s Explosion.



Well, this should be a breeze. Wind does trump fire after all, right? ...wait, you mean that's just Stu-pei? Oh well, not like it really matters for Yukari in this match anyway. To beat Cleo, she'll be relying heavily on one thing she has that her opponent doesn't - deeper resources than the oceans, and full healing to top it off. Cleo can lay down all the damage she wants, and Yukari will just heal it all away as fast as it came in. Slowly but surely, Cleo will just run out of resources and fall down from the bits of sniping Yukari manages to do in between Diarahan castings. It's not the fastest way to victory, but patience (at least in battle) is a virtue that Yukari has enough of to just ride this one out.

Cleo smirked as her third sword slammed cleanly into the bullseye, "That makes...216. Beat that."

Readying her bow as a new target was set up, Yukari smiled at her opponent, "Gladly."

Steadying her nerves, she narrowed her focus. Herself, and the target. There was nothing else. Draw....aim...release!


Yukari beamed, "Bullseye! ...wait"

The target wobbled...and fell down.

Cleo laughed, "So, uh, critical hit, huh?"

The archer blushed, "So can we set the target back up?"

"Nope. No using wait commands, we agreed on that. And since this is a target match, any magic will get you DQed."

Sighing Yukari tried aiming at the now horizontal target, "How am I supposed to..."

Cleo: 24
Yukari Takeba: 23